a Big Dream
Thursday 11 July 2013 | 02:30 | 0 comments

Hellow and come again

Today I want to talk about internet. Internet is the largest network in the world that connects hundreds of thousands of individual networks all over the world.
From this class I also learned about application, hypertext, HTML, and  world wide web. This topic I should know more because its quite difficult to me. For me, I just know how to us it the internet but if the history of internet,  I believe its make me fail in exam because I don’t know.
Furthermore, I also learnd about how the internet work, because it was divided to three. Its  TCP, backbone and URL. I also should know about basic of ISP, IP, domain, and uniform.
Other than that, I must know about basic of internet safety, phishing, spoofing,firewall, and else.. from this topic, we should more memories to remember about network.
microsoft word, power point and exel
Thursday 4 July 2013 | 09:07 | 0 comments
Welcome back to my blog
This class I was learned about Microsoft word, power point and exel. This topic so easy to me because I always us this Microsoft but on Microsoft exel, I don’t know much more. However, in this class I was learned about bacis from Microsoft.
In addition, I lecturer was called the name of his student to do with what he want by this topic. At this time, we should saw what our friend do it at  was shown infront of our. Example is:

Microsoft word.
To start a Microsoft word                                                       document window

mini toolbar                                                                                   quick access toolbar

shortcut menu

key tips

formatting text                                                                                      working with graphics


Microsoft power point

Microsoft power point have                                                how to use image and clip art
This part we can know from explaination about transition.

Microsoft exel
Change row height and column width              creating a simple fomula

                         TRACK CHANGES

window os
Saturday 22 June 2013 | 08:40 | 0 comments


Today I want to talk about window OS. For me it’s a litter quite easy because before this I already apply this topic. However, in this class make me know more about window OS or window 7. Before this I just know how to use it but when I learned this make me extra information like how to upgrade from vista/XP.  In addition, it makes me improvements from XP. I also learned about anatomy of the window, it was divided some element like aero view, Taskbar, Search, Libraries and Gadgets. After I learned this, I was respecting highly to the designer because it was like magic when we use the aero.
The conclusion is when I learned that, I will know more about  the evolution and progressive development of Windows operating systems since 1985, why and how Microsoft keeps pace with the current and future needs and trends of technology in providing the appropriate OS interface. The tools and gadgets of Windows 7 that are worth to use by personal home users and small businesses.