Saturday, 25 May 2013 | 09:24 | 0 comments
Now in class computer and internet, I have learned about how computers begun and how it evolved until
what we have today. It like similar of
IT because computer was divided to five generation. So its
quite easy to us to know about hardware, I also have learnd about the various
types, shapes, sizes and capacity of computers around us, because it not
limited to PC only. It perhaps what
would be the features and characteristics of the futuristic computers.
Other than that, I
also learnd about the ‘black box’ of a
computer system, the internal operations inside the computer, led by the CPU
and the architecture of a computer system.
Furthermore, I also
learned about the various forms of input
and output devices, the various forms of storage devices, factors affecting the
performance of I/O and storage devices and possible characteristics for devices
in the future.