a Big Dream
weEk 2..
Monday 22 October 2012 | 02:41 | 0 comments
Assalamualaikum and nice day to see you again...

In this second week I have learnt about Primary vs. Secondary Sources
Primary sources is materials that were created at the time the event occurred or materials created by those who experienced the event. These materials include letters, speeches, diaries, newspaper articles from the time period, interviews with people who were around when the event occurred, documents, photographs, and artifacts such as tools, weapons, clothing from the time period.

Secondary sources is materials that were created after the event. These materials might tell you about an event, person, time or place, but they were created by someone not from the time period. Secondary sources can include history books, school textbooks, encyclopedias, History magazines,
websites, and documentaries. 
      Between Primary Sources and Secondary Source

However Tertiary sources consist of primary and secondary source information which has been collected and distilled. They present summaries of or an introduction to the current state of research on a topic, summarize or condense information from primary and secondary sources, or provide a list of primary and secondary sources of more extensive information. Examples are:
  • Encyclopedias
  • Almanacs
  • Fact books
  • Research Quickstarts/Library Course Pages/Pathfinders

However in Library Services we have more in here if we need or want in library as
book lending, reading room, printing, photocopy, information search, current awareness service, E-journals and multimedia collection. In addition, Reference Sources is arranged alphabetical order or according to any classification scheme like:




-Synonyms, antonyms and homonyms

-Abbreviations, signs and symbols


-New words, new meanings for old words


-Foreign terms in English writings

-Grammatical information


ü Directories
ü Encyclopedias
      -Encyclopaedia Britannica
      -Encyclopaedia Americana
      -Chambers's Encylopaedia
      -Funk and Wagnalls New Encyclopaedia
      -Collier's Encyclopaedia
      -Oxford Junior Encyclopaedia
ü Atlases and maps

Meanwill, their also have Geographical  Sources




üTravel guides

*Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC)
    - bibligraphic
    - when to search kind

*—The Internet